Originally Posted by Jerry1234
ok, so this is a type of phrase that has its own independant rule, as would others; is that correct? I don't translate it as separate words, but use the expression with a specific meaning. A correct translation would then be, simply,
"you cannot go straight here, you must turn."
Is that correct?
Yeah, that's right. You have one too many っ's though in 行って(いって) and I don't know if the spaces are intentional or not, but that's how I would translate that text.
Edit: Just want to point out something from an earlier post of yours. It seems like you might be taking まがらなければ to be a positive construction, when it isn't. If you were to do the positive conditional using ~ば it would be 曲がれば(まがれば). 曲がらなければ comes from 曲がらな
ければ. No offense if you already knew this, but I thought it best to point it out just in case.