Originally Posted by KyleGoetz
I've never heard of seven bases before.
The only equivalent I can think of in modern Japanese is the 5 levels of go-dan verbs, and that's not something you just explain.
Instead, you should just learn one conjugation at a time. As someone who has attempted to study classical Japanese by just memorizing all the verb endings at once, I have experience learning Japanese both ways, and I recommend just learning, for example, plain non-past form by itself.
Let me brainstorm the verb conjugations I know:
食べる plain non-past
食べたplain past
食べて te-form
食べよう volitional
食べない plain non-past negative
食べられる potential
食べられる passive
食べさせる causative
食べず zu-form
食べます polite non-past
食べまして polite te form
食べませんnegative past polite
食べました past polite
食べろ plain command form
食べぬ nu form
食べないで negative te-form
食べましょう polite volitional
There are probably a couple more. I just am getting yelled at by my fiancée: "You're on that site too long."
I also forgot
and the honorific and humble forms—although 食べる doesn't particularly have "conjugations" for these like, say, 作る, which has: