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03-07-2010, 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by PockyMePink
I like how you think this is some super big surprise no one else knows about 
ok. people. i am not surprised. i found this and was like "FINALLY!! some proof!" i just wanted to share. blooooody hell.
i knew this a while ago O_o
i knew the fuckedness.
and Nyororin. yep yep. so i'm wrong, you're right. so in saying all that - contracts, that's how the system is, yaddi yadda.
let's make a comparison. you say it's just a product.
so are soccer balls. or shoes.
being put together by 8 year old boys in china.
does that make it ok? well i'm guessing to you it does, cause it's just a product and that's how businesses are run, right? right.
and with those soccerballs/shoes, do they get advertised as "SHOES & SOCCERBALLS, MADE BY 8 YEAR OLDS!" no. so it's a bit of a false advertisement, no?
like what the article mentions. in the CDs they write "written by this band member, yaddi yadda." and in most cases its not true. false advertisement.
also what i'm trying to get at is these band guys might not have wanted to do things that way. it defeats the purpose of making music if you make it by a certain guideline or get someone else to make it for you.
that's fine, continue being ignorant. i suppose no one wants to accept the fact that a world they put up on a pedestal is all fake.
and Noketsu - I know. my fiance is a musician, i live with him. I know how hard it is, some days we don't have money to eat, but he has a day job, and it's not prostitution like those VK artists, and living in Australia, we're given a much better chance at surviving cause here isn't as effed as Japan - we can actually afford rent on a working class man's salary.
Last edited by TheCrimson : 03-07-2010 at 09:27 PM.