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Posts: 363
Join Date: Jul 2008
03-08-2010, 04:07 AM
ok. one last thing from me. i'm not attacking Nyororin MMM - just simply replying to his/her posts.
and i'm not going to go any further with this, as i still believe that this is my opinion, i'm here simply discussing, just one last thing. i'm not saying the whole "world" i mentioned in my previous post was one where they lived in 18th century palaces etc. i'm merely talking about the music aspect of it. people are made to believe these "musicians write their own stuff and are talented" sure they're talented, but they're not allowed to harness that talent due to the nature of the business.
and i'm done here, i only wanted to share an interesting article i found and my opinions on the matter. it was nice to actually have a long discussion with people who were giving replies that are longer than a line though kudos to all who replied.