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(#35 (permalink))
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Sashimister (Offline)
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03-09-2010, 11:53 AM

Originally Posted by pacerier View Post
cool i'll use the number words in front of verbs from now on. i saw this somewhere: 友達の1人が私に会いました. is this form of usage common, or should i be saying this instead: 友達が1人私に会いました

and about ここに and ここで, are both of these sentence structures correct:

also regarding the も and と particle can this 魚も野菜もたべません be said like this 魚と野菜をたべません, or does it sounds weird
Both 友達の1人が私に会いました and 友達が1人私に会いました are grmmatical but the chances are you won't ever hear us say either as long as you live. When talking about two people meeting and the speaker is one of them, the speaker wil be the subject of the sentence.

「(私は)友達の一人に会いました。」 > Usual. Use this one.
「(私は)一人の友達に会いました。」 > Sounds like a sentence in a story. "I met a certain friend." Don't use this until you're much more fluent and you know what you're saying.

Both ここに車を止めては行けません and ここで車を止めては行けません will be correct if you don't use the kanji in いけません. The sentence is about parking, not about going. Thus, no kanji.

Both 魚も野菜もたべません and 魚と野菜をたべません are correct and they mean the same thing. Neither sounds weird. Difference is the emphasis on the dislike expressed by the two も.
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