03-09-2010, 01:18 PM
There are ways to do it, but it does indeed mean moving with a fair bit of cash. Knowing what I know now, if I had moved here without a job, I would have needed closer to $10K. As it is, I came with $2K, and I had a job. Waiting for everything to be set up meant that $2K went pretty fast.
The best way to do it, honestly, is to stay with a friend. I have a two bedroom apartment, I have offered to put people up for a little while, as long as they're actively looking for a job, and are helping me out as much as possible with what money they do have. I pay rent regardless of my occupancy, since it is my lease.
But for most people, this just isn't possible. Especially this crowd, which I find is generally 1) underage or 2) undereducated for the positions. Clearly OP is neither. He is an adult, he does have qualifications. I just think Kyoto is a bad choice. Japan in general? Two months, tops, and he could have a decent job somewhere. It just may be in the middle of Farmsville-shi, Rural-ken.
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