Originally Posted by KyleGoetz
Could you elaborate a bit on the difference in emphasis? This is the type of thing I (sadly) don't really have an ear for, so I have to ask specifically for the difference in emphasis when I get a chance.
Kind of like the difference between ピザを食べたい and ピザが食べたい. Just something I had to have someone explain to me.
魚も野菜もたべません and 魚と野菜をたべません both mean "(Someone) eats neither fish nor vegetables." But there is a not-so-small difference in the nuance.
Depending on the context it appears in, 魚も野菜もたべません can have a connotation that this person doesn't really like eating anything, let alone fish and vegetables that are mentioned by name. With the double も, the sentence gives off a pretty strong negativity about this person's unbalanced diet. In the extreme case where you simply refuse to eat, that's 何も食べません. That is a も again.
魚と野菜をたべません, however, just "sounds" different to the native ear. It sounds like it's saying "As for fish and vegtables, I don't care to eat much. But I sure love eating other things." It sounds a whole lot "softer" and "less negative". It's saying that there are merely two groups of food that you don't like eating.