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(#10 (permalink))
GodForsakenSoul (Offline)
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Posts: 15
Join Date: Feb 2010
03-10-2010, 12:25 PM

@Kyle: I sortof learned hebrew that way. At first i was able to speak in sortof troll-hebrew, after about a month i was already speaking rather well.
I'm sure i can apply the same to japanese. Despite the fact I KNOW that MJC kind of sucks, i prefer it because it's actually interactive. it DEMANDS attention and input. books are kind of... there. The seven bases system is pretty easily programmable, so i could theoretically, after understanding this, build me a simple engine that uses only kana.

edit: what i really want to see is sortof like
godan past formal = base n+ending of choice

Last edited by GodForsakenSoul : 03-10-2010 at 03:24 PM.
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