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03-10-2010, 01:52 PM

Originally Posted by Tsuwabuki View Post
I never said those who aren't in the military.
Sorry, I made that assumption as I thought that you would probably hear from those with military affiliation on the online community you mentioned.

The reason I say in Japan, is because this portrays the US Navy, and Americans, in a very negative light. I know I have been asked about it, given both my nationality and my USN affiliation. I am curious what Americans, or westerners in general, think about how CAPT Graf's actions might affect perceptions.
Personally, I don`t really think it is making the news in Japan. I haven`t heard anything on the Japanese news. I honestly don`t think it will change perceptions much. I don`t believe it is an issue having to do with Japan directly - yes, it was based here, but it isn`t something coming into contact with Japanese citizens. It started within the military and ended within the military.

CAPT Graf did not lose her stripes, nor was she dismissed. She is now assigned to a project in Washington DC. She was fast-tracked for Rear Admiral like her sister, Robin Graf, but that's pretty well dead now. Her career is dead-ended, but it isn't over, and she will still retire with full benefits.
Basically an 天下り, right? Pretty much what would happen if something similar happened in a Japanese organization. I don`t think that perceptions would change based on how she was dealt with.

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