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Cakes (Offline)
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03-10-2010, 10:27 PM

Originally Posted by rozurainbow View Post
i'm quite fat myself and i would never, ever, wear lolita clothing because i know i will look ridiculous.
Oh, sweetheart!

That's absolutely not true. Don't listen to the haters! Do some research; learn about your body shape, what colours suit you, so on. It's just the same as with any mainstream fashion!
Here's a few links:
Tips for the plus-size lolita
Being a confident Lolita and loving yourself
Weight, Lolita and You

To the average eye, Lolita looks pretty silly anyway - so love that silly and rock the hell out of it! <3 Give it a go, even if you don't think it'll work; you may well be pleasantly surprised.

Disclaimer: all opinions, expressions, exclamations and cake presented in the above are the personal thoughts of the writer only, and are as such not intended to represent any large group or other party.

Things get really silly when people start to put disclaimers in their signatures.
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