Originally Posted by Nyororin
難しい wouldn`t be much of a change, would it? 
I have never heard it shortened that way, but I have heard むずい. I don`t think it`s all that common though. Rather than say 難しい, I think that if someone was using slang they would say something else.
太い can indeed be ふてぇ... But I think the situations it would be used are kind of limited.
I don`t think that きめ is anywhere close to being as common as きもっ, but it`s still normal and I think that anyone hearing it would know what was being said.
I can picture someone saying マジこえぇ, but not マジこわ. Around here girls say こわ and guys say こえぇ. As far as I know, すげ~ has been pretty standard for a long time. It was back 10 years ago - in fact, it seemed more Kanto then to me as everyone I met from Tokyo would use that kind of contraction but when they were from somewhere else.
For example, a friend of mine who`d moved to this area from Tokyo would use わかっない, but everyone else would say わからん. Her brother would use ぜ, etc - but everyone else was using ぞ...
Those were some of the first regional differences I noticed.
Conversationally, my existence is 90%+ with Kansai people, and generally people over the age of 25, so young slang is not my specialty.
I do hear むずい quite a bit as a contraction to 難しい. Never heard ふてぇ before.
Regarding こわっ I hear it more as びっくりした ... like a immediate reaction rather than talking about a scary experience. In "thought out" moments I hear most often the correct word..."あのおばはん、こわいな~”
I agree. すげ~ has been around for a while. I tend to associate it with Takuya Kimura from SMAP. He has been using it since at least the early-to-mid-90s...maybe longer. Now it is pretty permeated.