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(#26 (permalink))
RickOShay (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 604
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: USA, formerly Shizuoka for 7 years.
03-11-2010, 12:04 PM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
You listed very few verbs, relatively speaking. Beyond that, did you notice how each one, if you throw away the kanji part, only is る? This should be a hint to you. If you know how it's written, you can know this type of verb is (maybe always?) going to be godan. Besides, I don't care if you're unsure. If you're chatting with someone, there is no room for unsureness. You just conjugate it based on the probabilities and hope you're right. You can't stop the convo to look up whether it's ichidan or godan. Play the probabilities, man.

My rule is much more accurate than what you were taught. And for what it's worth, Yookoso! teaches what I'm saying.
honestly, this is not an issue for me anymore, and im just trying to point out that the difference between verbs like 寝る and 練る and 減る and 経る might be hard for a new learner to sift through.
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