Originally Posted by StueyT
Hi guys,
I just mentioned to a friend In Japan that I'll be coming back for my Summer vacation. I last went in January. He replied '早くこいよ’
Now I recognise that he is exclaiming that I'm coming back so soon, but I've never seen the くこい before.
What exactly is he saying?
Come quickly. It's actually not くこい you have 早い used in its adverbial form 早く and the command form of 来る -> 来い(こい). As I understand it, it's generally ok to use the direct command form with a friend if you add よ to the end and you're not using friend in the relatively loose way it's used in america ^^;. I'm sure a native will offer their two sense, but this is fairly easy, so I'm pretty sure about the meaning (less positive about the command's usage). I hesitate a bit to say 'Come quickly' though because the kanji for 早い here is the one I've seen used when it means early, as in 早起き(はやおき) early rising.
In any case, I hope I helped you see the structure of the sentence.