Originally Posted by Rykushan
Whats my name in Japanese?
My name is " Brennan Portz " Can anybody tell me what it is. I looked at other places , but I just want to check. THANKS
Some places said it was
中村 Nakamura (center of the village) 一真 Kazuma (one reality) (read right to left)
ブレナン・ポーツ seems most logical to me. Your name is definitely not 中村一真, which by the way was not read right to left. Common practice is to japan-ify (for lack of a better word) your name. I'm not a fan at all of trying to make your name Japanese, let alone trying to pick out kanji for it. I feel this might be because I could have very easily been someone who tried to do that when I was in middle school/high school. Also, two random things about 中村. First, I think it actually means 'Center Village' or 'Middle Village', not 'Center of the Village' (this comes from China dubbing themselves 中国, or 'Middle Kingdom'). Second, don't try to read into the meaning of a lot of Japanese family names, because they mean about as much as english last names. Mine is Johnson, but I certainly don't derive any great meaning out of the fact that one of my ancestors was the son of a man named John. ^^; The only time I consider the meaning of a person's family name is if it's a pen name or a character in a manga/anime where names will be intentionally created with a meaning in mind.
Sorry if I come off angry at all, this should really be more cautionary than anything. Stick with what's standard for foreigners when saying your name in japanese.