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03-12-2010, 12:13 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Nut allergies didn't seem to be an issue in the US 30 years ago, but now some people are deathly allergic. Has Japan seen a similar rise?
As far as I know nut allergies have always been a problem, even in the US. They`re just more well known now.
I have a relative who has a nut allergy, and they were born in the 40s. They had no trouble with finding other children sharing the allergy during the 50s. I guess it was more up to the parents to avoid things and make foods without nuts.

Japan has also apparently always had allergies - there are "wives tales" about preventing a baby from having allergies by eating/not eating certain things during pregnancy and nursing that have been around at least since great grandmother had her children.

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