Originally Posted by pacerier
ok i'll take it slowly, but learning the kanji actually makes it easier for me to remember the word because some of the meanings of the character correspond to that of chinese, which is my mother tongue.
Cool. One needs to "forget" the Chinese pronunciations of the kanji, though, when studying Japanese.
regarding the structure of the の(ん), does it only apply for [Adj]+の(ん) or is it usuable like this as well [Noun]+の(ん): それはパソコンのです
No. Verbs and adjectives.
それはパソコンのです is a correct sentence but I don't think you know what it means. It has nothing to do with the "news" aspect I discussed last time.
The sentence means "It's the PC's." You'e holding a small product and asks "What's this for?" or "Where does this belong?" then someone says "それはパソコンのです"
i grabbed this from somewhere: 彼女はいつも自分の部屋をきれいしておく
is the sentence valid? i'd thought きれい is an adjective, what does きれいしておく means?
It's valid/natural/correct. You name it, it has it.
"She always keeps her room clean."
How do you just grab sentences? If you aren't studying systematically, it's difficult to offer help. Know what mean? You see a phrase somewhere that you naturally don't understand. Since it bugs you and you ask here. Think about this.