Originally Posted by ccullinansmith
I am going to be traveling to Japan this summer on a study abroad program, and I was wondering if anyone could help me correct this letter to my future host family?
始めまして。私はコートニースミスです。ミシシッピ大 学の一年生です。フロリダのジャクソンビルから来ます 。おもしろい本を読むのが大好きなので、せもんは文学 です。一年に日本語を勉強しています。日本語はとても きれいなことばだと思います。それに、日本の文化とれ きしにきょうみがあります。日本で新い友だちを作った りおもしろい場所に行ったりみたいです。私の日本にか いがいりょこうは楽しいといいんですが。どうぞよろし くおねがいします。
I would actually like to say that it would be "nicer" to send this as is. This is not a business letter. Why worry about the little mistakes that indeed exist? They will understand everything you're saying, except maybe せもん, which should be せんもん.
I can easily re-write this entirely so it would sound like it was written by a Japanese college student, but who would that make happy? Not your host family, I guarantee as they will soon find out how your Japanese really is.