Originally Posted by pacerier
yea Tae Kim's guide is great, i do love to read them. i've came across several questions while reading his guide.
an extract from the guide:
ボブ: アリスは学生?
アリス: うん、トムも学生
i was wondering is 学生 required after the も particle in the second line. will this be ok: うん、トムも
That'll be ok.
a quote from the guide:
"When you use 「する」 with a noun, the 「を」 particle is optional and you can treat the whole [noun+する] as one verb."
just to check, does this rule apply for all nouns. can テニスをします be written as テニスします?
In writing, no. In sloppier convos, yes.
an example conversation from the guide:
ボブ: 学校に行った?
アリス: 行かなかった。
ボブ: 図書館には?
if i edit the third line to be 「図書館は」(taking away the に) is it still proper?
More than proper. You'll hear that more often than 図書館には?
similar to the third question, can i change this:
ボブ: どこで食べる?
アリス: イタリアレストランではどう?
to this:
イタリアレストランはどう (without the で)
Even more natural than では.
sorry for asking so many questions, but there's one last thing i would like to clarify. the given polite-negative form of na-adjective in the guide is this: 静かじゃないです. would it seem more natural if we say 静かではありません instead of 静かじゃないです?
Among my circle, no one really says じゃないです. I've explained this several times on JF so I won't here. Did I not explain to you? I loathe hearing じゃないです. If you want to use じゃ, make です more casual.