03-14-2010, 04:32 AM
We came to this planet in 2022 with hopes to fit in
Yet to humans we are as bad as sins.
We have cat like ears that open to the side and a fox like tail, varying in color,
but to them we are terrorists who should suffer and be looked down on.
To them we are like mice, causing panic and eating their food,
They call us the Accopolyse and run from us.
Dogs attack us without human objection.
They think we are a gang who want them dead.
We went to that McDonald's place.
The guys there were like wolves scaring us out.
To them we are bugs, easy to squash.
To them we are like punching bags, they can do what they want and no soul gets hurt
To them we are hobos at their absolute mercy and control,
to them we are like AIDS, gravely dangerous to get involved with.
To them we are animals, unadaptable to their ways,
to them we are like viruses who want to blow their kind up.
To them we are destined for hell. Fine, hell is better than this. But before we go let us tell you the truth.
The truth is, we are spiders, scared to death of you,
the truth is we are as fragile as glass.
Together we are like a Micheal Jackson, our bad names hide our goodness,
which is is Innocent Chaotic Creativity that even now we want you to know.
Like the story of bunnies camping in sakura trees,
when some kangaroos start a game of paintball.
Or possums playing video games,
and a birds comes along and bets they can't drink a pint of punch.
Though none of that matters anymore.
Because now you capture us, you poke us with needles and wires.
You give drugs to our expecting in hopes to "normalfy" us
You beat us up when we talk, you only give us bread and water,
you make our young ashamed of their "deformations" , some have never known what a mother is!
Though there was one good thing you gave me, a name for my kind,
I found a light and way out of your dark symbolicly empty cells,
to the woods I went and saw a magnificent miracle.
So as I lay by it, a hole of hate in my head I smiled as I fell into my deep sleep.
A human creature with my tail,
An Earth creature that understands me.
My Life Sucks- The kids I babysit have drooled, ripped or drawn on all of the cards and put the cars with the little people in the microwave!
I have no Friends- The cats have scratched and destroyed all of the DVDs!
I always owe someone- In fact I put two os in it!
I always ruin my clothes with Bleach!- The show is so dom suspensful I spill my grape soda on them!
But . . .I'll live.