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Nokutetsu (Offline)
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My questions thread - 03-14-2010, 04:07 PM

As reccomended, I thought I'd post all my questions in one thread. It also means I can track my progress. Because I don't have a lot of resources to learning the language, I'm always extremely nervous as I'm learning from here: JLPT LEVEL4 GRAMMAR JLPT Grammar list And am pretty much left to figure out the rest myself.

So I'm aware my grammar is probably extremely bad...which is why I'm here to ask for help. If anything is wrong (even slightly or extremely) I'd like to ask you be nice about it no matter how stupid a mistake it is. Thankyou

This has been looked over/ answered and corrected. Thankyou <3 look to the most recent post for my newest question.

Ahh, the internet. Where men are men, women are men, and 14 year old girls are FBI agents.

Last edited by Nokutetsu : 03-16-2010 at 01:04 PM.
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