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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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03-14-2010, 05:21 PM

Originally Posted by duo797 View Post
Negative. This の isn't nominalizing ある, it's being used as のです. I'm not even sure you can nominalize something like existence >_>, as I certainly am having trouble doing it in my head.

Edit: That makes me think, considering his name is Kevin, shouldn't we say なんか言いたいことがあるんだ ? I was under the impression that just using の at the end of a sentence (not a question) was more female. In fact, I've been corrected on Lang-8 for ending a sentence with のよ. I was told it sounded a bit too feminine.
Actually I'm using の as a softer sentence ender than よ. Sort of a soft, non-female version of わ (although I am aware of men using わ now, especially in Kansai region).

I don't think it sounds "too" feminine. I use it all the time in Japanese. Of course, I'm a pretty carefree, friendly, non-aggressive male, so it fits me well. It all depends on your confidence, situation, etc.

But I'll stand by my choice of の there unless a native tells me not to.
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