Originally Posted by pacerier
if i'm not in Kanto/greater Eastern Japan and i start a sentence with なんで instead of なので (to mean that's why), will it be confusing to the listener? in written, should i strictly be using なので instead of なんで or are both fine.
It will be confusing if the other things you say don't sound Kanto. Know what I mean? If you say certain words in the Kanto colloquial style, certain words in standard Japanese, and the others with a thick English accent, you sure will sound horrible. You need to be near fluent before you worry about what you asked. Just worry about standard Japanese for now. I didn't mean to introduce a dialectal colloquialism with なんで. I mentioned it
only because someone had answered your question wrong.
if i'm not wrong, the で in ので is to join the left part of the sentence to the right part of the sentence. if this is the case is it true to say that unlike から, ので can never come at the end of a sentence.
Not true at all. You will very often hear ので used at the end of the sentence to mean "because".
also in this sentence: 晩ご飯を作っておく, how do i furthur conjugate the 作っておく into past tence to mean "Made dinner (in advance for the future)"
Just conjugate the おく part. It's a verb so it conjugates.
side question: as for the ている conjugation, is it very common for us to hear it without the い (just てる), or do natives usually include it in speech as well
We omit the い very often in convos.