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Can someone please help me clarify what this person is saying? - 03-15-2010, 05:15 PM

I'm sorry I realize this is not a translating site and I should try to translate this myself, but I am completely confused.


My best guess is this: "Understood. So, hiragana police (I am going and coming back) politely end. Nice to meet you."

I looked up each individual part on several different question and answer sites and that is what I came up with.

Wakarimashita= Understood.
Jyaa= So
hiragana= hiragana
deka= police officer
kimasu= going and coming back
ne= polite/friendly way to end a sentence
yoroshiku= Said when meeting someone for the first time, unsure of exact English equivalent but I was told "Yoroshiku onegaishimasu" meant 'Please treat me favorably and I will treat you favorably.'
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