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(#13 (permalink))
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hatsuto11 (Offline)
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03-15-2010, 06:06 PM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
Ignore him. Hatsuto tends not to listen to reason from people with skills.
This has no relation to the Japanese script since it is not of our choice. I mean, we should follow the rules when writing it so It has nothing to do with my opinion, neither with yours.
BTW, if you were really skilled, you wouldn't state that so officially. Skilled people usually hide their skills instead of claiming "I am skillful" while being lacking skills. Also, I admit your Japanese is thousands times better than mine and this is a fact! But bear in mind the way you studied Japanese is totally different from the way i did, and the same for the period. So why don't you make a performance to your skills in front of the other skilled people like you (i mean, instead of showing me your skills)?!!
Oh by the way, I think I'd better apologize to you Kyle for this post, because I am afraid it left a wound in your heart!!! I know you are so soft-centred and I am afraid my words may hurt you!!! (and consequently, you may head for the mods and ask them to ban me:P) So sorry Mr.Kyle

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