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Columbine (Offline)
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03-15-2010, 10:29 PM

Originally Posted by duo797 View Post
This is true, there are a few styles of romanization for Japanese, just like chinese and I assume Korean. The biggest problem with roomaji, other than reading english letters, is that each person breaks up words differently when they write in roomaji. Along with that, if someone was to write with NO spaces in roomaji it would be a huge, difficult to read mess. Roomaji doesn't come with the added benefit of kanji to help easily discern words when you're reading a sentence.
I noticed that. Even when you use the same system to transliterate the characters, the spacing seems to be a free-for-all. I'd personally never put a space in 'konnichiwa' but others will. Never mind the homonym thing as you said. "ii kami desu ne!"

It may be good, but is it hair, a god or some paper? Who knows!
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