Originally Posted by murasaki11
I want to know if the information on this website is correct. I've been told it is. then someone told me It was not correct. I want to learn Japanese from a reliable sourse.
I don't care to spend the time working out whether it is correct, but how are you going to learn Japanese from a website which just has a list of random animals or a list of verbs, without any explanations of what the different forms of the verbs are? Why would you want to memorize a random list of animals like "buffalo" in Japanese? Are you doing a degree in zoology in Japan?
There is a page on katakana but it doesn't tell you how to write them at all, it just has a table of them, without any explanation. There's no way anyone can learn anything from that.
This website is what I'd describe as a "low information content" website. There are thousands and thousands of such sites on the internet. They don't serve any purpose.