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(#15 (permalink))
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Koir (Offline)
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03-16-2010, 02:38 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
It seems that recently more and more outright hostility is directed toward romaji users... And a lot of it isn`t necessary in my eyes. Instead of informing new users that they`ll progress much better, etc, by using kana - there is an attitude of "if you use romaji you aren`t good enough to learn Japanese" projected. Mistakes are blamed on the fact that they have used romaji, and a lot of the time - even if it`s the first post - they`re treated with incredible impatience.

I think that this is the "attitude of elitism" mentioned. For a lot of learners, their first exposure is in romaji, and there are some schools that even teach without using kana for quite some time.

I will never suggest that anyone should be using romaji, but is it necessary to be so dismissive of people who use it on their first few posts?
And a voice of reason is heard....

Thanks Nyororin!

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Unfortunately for you, she is not here.

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