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03-16-2010, 03:20 AM

At the beginning what Sashimister intended to say is the usage of romaji could have probably confused people with どうも and ども. These two words have totally different meanings.

Generally, どうも should be written as doumo or dōmo; but since it's inconvenient, some people may just write domo (it may be considered wrong? however I do see some textbook omit the u or ō)

As a result, when this phrase どうも is converted from romaji to hiragana it may be incorrectly written as ども. I believe that's what Sashimister was trying to say (at the very beginning)

For begininers, romanji is surely a lot easier to use when learning Japanese. Since I am not a native speaker nor an advanved Japanese learner, I will leave Wiki to explain the history and use of romaji for me. Romanization of Japanese - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When I tried to search the infomartion about romaji, at first I search the Japanese Wiki by the phrase ロマン字 (romanji), which I found out it was incorrect. The correct word is ローマ字. This is another examples of "romanji influence" that Sashimister was saying.

Koir, you have your points. However, Sashimister was pretty neutral in the first post of this thread.
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