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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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03-16-2010, 03:46 AM

Originally Posted by pacerier View Post
ok for now i'll stick to the なので instead of the colloquial なんで when its used at the start of a sentence.

anyway i was wondering when we use the 「なら」 condition, must the left side strictly be in plain form? is this allowed: みんなが行きますなら私も行きます
All I can say about that is that a Google search reveals very few results for polite+nara: "ますなら" - Google Search
I'd conclude that you should avoid doing so. Just throwing that out there until a better answer comes along.

also if we were to say "Mr.A became X, Y, Z", do we need to repeat なる 3 times (once for X, once for Y, and once for Z).
XとYとZになる is fine (assuming X, Y, and Z are nouns). Heh, at first, I read your question as another about なら and totally answered it wrong!

is this acceptable:
(ps is 体が大きい allowed?)
Yes. “体が大き”の検索結果(7 件):英辞郎 on the Web:スペースアルク
Although personally I might say なってくる instead of just using なる to emphasize that I've come to be tall and large. But it doesn't make yours wrong; it's just a different flavor of saying the same basic idea.

Last edited by KyleGoetz : 03-16-2010 at 03:49 AM.
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