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(#25 (permalink))
RickOShay (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: USA, formerly Shizuoka for 7 years.
03-16-2010, 04:19 AM

Originally Posted by Nyororin View Post
Whoa, before this turns into something more hostile...

Sashimister - I think you have to step back for a moment to see part of what Koir is talking about. And it isn`t just you, and I don`t really think it is entirely about romaji vs. kana.

I am against using romaji, but I can still see part of this and can understand some of the exasperation.

It seems that recently more and more outright hostility is directed toward romaji users... And a lot of it isn`t necessary in my eyes. Instead of informing new users that they`ll progress much better, etc, by using kana - there is an attitude of "if you use romaji you aren`t good enough to learn Japanese" projected. Mistakes are blamed on the fact that they have used romaji, and a lot of the time - even if it`s the first post - they`re treated with incredible impatience.

I think that this is the "attitude of elitism" mentioned. For a lot of learners, their first exposure is in romaji, and there are some schools that even teach without using kana for quite some time.

I will never suggest that anyone should be using romaji, but is it necessary to be so dismissive of people who use it on their first few posts?
I must have just recently joined this debate. My purpose for arguing on the side of everyone else here who is against using romaji is on the basis of it not being good for Japanese learners, or being used to write and communicate with.

And so far what I have read, nobody is making fun of anybody or trying to make themselves feel superior to those who use romaji. So I would like to know specifically were these posts are. I agree with you that people should not have "have an attitude of elitism", but I would like to know where people are sounding like this, so I can see that this "elitism" is not being mistaken for simple arguing against romaji's usage for practical reasons.
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