Originally Posted by DanielSheen
Wow that’s a big insult to my website. That page hardly has any information let alone lessons. My website doesn't just consist of vocabulary there’s a whole lesson page full of EVERYTHING. Verbs, How to congregate them, sentence structure, Particles, Adjectives, everything.
That page has some information, in the form of romanized Japanese phrases. I can learn how to flirt or how to insult people or something. It's not such a terrible site but it's nothing special either.
There are websites out there which contain just plain wrong information. I didn't point those out, but if you type "Japanese insults" into Google, the top hit will tell you things like "rippo gakusha" (which means "rabbi") is an insult meaning "rabies". Now there's a poor quality website if ever there was one.
I'm not lumping your site in with that kind of totally wrong, laughable, garbage site. I am lumping your site in with the millions of other sites on the net which contain a teensy bit of useful information, but not enough. "Low information content" is how I described them.
If you ask me you're quite lucky to get any kind of user feedback, so perhaps you'll look back on this discussion as having been productive.
Originally Posted by DanielSheen
You people consider Romaji to be the devil.
Opinions vary about this topic. In fact, I'm on your side. I don't think romanized Japanese is such a problem. There are whole textbook series written in romanized Japanese, and linguistics books as well.