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(#67 (permalink))
pacerier (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 159
Join Date: Aug 2009
03-17-2010, 04:02 AM

heys thanks for the explanation on て-form + くる/いる

as for "if we were to say "Mr.A became X, Y, Z", do we need to repeat なる 3 times (once for X, once for Y, and once for Z). ", if XYZ are not nouns but adjectives (like became taller, bigger, etc), must we conjugate each individual adjective with なる?
(this is what i have now: 去年から背が高くなって体が大きくなってきたね)

regarding 「なら」 conditional, will this be a valid sentence: 遅いなら家へ帰らなければなりません

as for 「と」 conditional, does it give the "that'll surely happen" feeling. if i were to say this これを食べると絶対許さない, does it sound "stronger" than これを食べるなら絶対許さない or is it that the listener won't really notice the difference.


Last edited by pacerier : 03-17-2010 at 04:06 AM.
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