Originally Posted by jackmilas
Translating online purchase forms is too big deal for me. I am not smart enough for that. Any other options? I'm going to Kyoto for the weekend and I would love to film my trip there. There should be at least one Kodak Zi8 somewhere in Tokyo... I just don't know where...
If I find someone who can order it for me, do they normally deliver it within 2 days? If order today, will they deliver it on Friday?
You are wasting your vacation running around looking for a certain American camera in the land of awesome cameras. That's like spending time looking for a Hershey Bar in Switzerland.
Many cameras have English menus and there are English speaking staff at Yodabashi Camera and Bic Camera. I bet you can find a comparable camera at a similar price that NONE with English menus that NONE of your friends will have at home.