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deadthinker (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 356
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Cheshire, England
04-03-2007, 08:49 AM

etch a sketch fun ^^

heres a few of my poems and drawings and peices of writting
i would post stories but they take waaaaaaaaay to long to write out they arent worth the time ha haa

Each of my friends are different, individual and unique, we all travelled along different paths yet we all reached the same place. Strangers at birth yet with age came friendship. We are all bound by an invisible rope, sometimes the rope will fray and someone willl break free , yet our loss for the person who chose to travel alone is softened by those standing by our side. Over time the rope thickens. You are never truly alone they are always there with you standing by your side. Togther we are strong creating a wall which willingly takes away some of the impact when we are struck. On our journey some get left behind like insects on a lake forced to take a different path due to an unforeseen ripple on the water. However as we grow our rope branches out with new friendships which our always greeted with a smile. Alone we are vunerable to lifes twists yet together we can share each moment each feeling each step forward. I hope to travel with you always. I can happily say I have found true friends

Last edited by deadthinker : 04-03-2007 at 08:51 AM.
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