Originally Posted by edelweiss
I can understand eating all kinds of farmed animals but I am strongly against the killing of whales for any purpose. I don't care if they taste like a slice of heaven, I think it is very wrong for anyone to eat them. 
I agree, this point of view is extremely subjective, and biased. I know you are saying it is just your opinion, but try to look at things through the eyes of other cultures before passing judgment upon them based upon your own values. Nobody is forcing you to eat whale, or stopping you from eating something that you may eat.
I believe political compromises should be sought after for people who feel strongly about these things.. but nobody is ever (nor should ever) completely have their way over something like this, especially in dealing with another country's customs. If something is done within reason, and no crimes against humanity are being committed, I do not think harsh political sanctions or whatever should ever be imposed.