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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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03-18-2010, 03:06 PM

Originally Posted by Harumaki View Post
Hey guys,

I am planning to do the JLPT test this year, but I can't really find any clear material to learn for that test.
How is that even possible? You can't crap in the woods without tripping over a JLPT review site! Did you try googling "JLPT"?

Here are vocab lists for starters: JLPT vocabulary lists

BTW, what level are you taking? Because you know there are five levels now (and the policy changed it this year), so nothing you find online will actually be directly applicable anymore since 2010 is the first year of an overhaul of the exam system.

I studied by living in Japan and attending university there. I know that's not much help. Just study for it like you would any test.
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