Thread: Name in kanji
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03-18-2010, 08:59 PM

Originally Posted by duo797 View Post
Because it would be read as yuuki not yuki? It's like the difference between stephen and steven, or the difference between two, to and too. They all might sound the same but they're not the same word. Also, if your name is really is Yuki, wouldn't it be more important what your parents had in mind when they named you, rather than what you want? ^^; I wasn't ever able to rename myself just because I didn't used to like what my parents named me.
Yuuki and Yuki do not sound the same. To Japanese ears they might as well be the difference between Steven and Charlie.

But your second point is the more important one.

Originally Posted by RickOShay View Post
Maybe considering you are not Japanese it might be ok...
Considering he/she is not Japanese I think it is probably less OK. Since when do people all of a sudden get to give themselves names in kanji?

Originally Posted by yukikosan View Post
I have the "chance" to decide how i'm gonna write it, I want something nice
What "chance" is this?

The only chance I can think of is if you are changing to a Japanese citizenship. Is that what is happening?

Put it this way. You are not Japanese. You are not from Japan. Your name is not Yuki, Yuuki or Yukiko, so it really doesn't matter what kanji you choose to write it, as it isn't your name anyway.
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