Thread: Name in kanji
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(#19 (permalink))
yukikosan (Offline)
New to JF
Posts: 12
Join Date: Mar 2010
03-18-2010, 10:22 PM

well, I understand how different yuuki and yuki can sound.
I'll change my choice then..

And just WOW!
So many questions about my freaking name!!
yuujirou : it is SOOOO not of your business why I changed my name!
I don't have to discuss that part of my life with all of you!

chryuop : yukikosan is a screenname right?! a SCREENname... I could have chosen IAMME187238 if I wanted to!
What's the problem with my screenname?! can't I chose the screenname I want when I register to a forum or must I ask permission to the members before!?

Son of a gun I NEVER thought I would see THAT MUST judgement from all of you!!

I came here to have some answers, and I got them!
Thanks but dudes, you really aren't nice to other people!!
Just because you don't understand why I changed my name, LEGALLY, that doesn't give you the right to judge me.

Yes, I didn't know what Yuki meant when I picked it.. BIG DEAL!!!
I didn't know what Nadjat meant either when I gave this name to my little girl!! SO WHAT!
Is that really an issue or what!...
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