Thread: Name in kanji
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(#42 (permalink))
DanielSheen (Offline)
JF Regular
Posts: 36
Join Date: Mar 2010
03-19-2010, 02:39 AM

Originally Posted by yukikosan View Post
because, like I said, I'm not English and I wasn't sure if that was the way to say it.

since when?? Since forever !! I mean there is no world rule against that!!
We are all free humain being and if I want to give a Lebanese name to my daughter I have the right to do so, I don't have to ask a permission, the same way as if I pick a religion I'm free to follow it by the book or with my values!!
It's not because you grow in a culture that you have to stick to it in every way for your entire life!
I come from a French Canadian catholic culture.
As a teenager, I decided to change religion, because I didn't beleive the Christian one... Is that a crime?? A silly thing! No, it's called freedom !

And I am not gonna change legally for a kanji. I changed legally for Yuki, the kanji is only for me, to "use" the Japanese name correctly, because even if I am not Japanese , Yuki IS a Japanese name and so, should nit be in katakana, is it not a foreign laguage.

And yes, I am learning Japanese language actualy and I read about the culture.
I didn't change my name to Yuki by respect... I changed it for a personnal reason and i chose Yuki because I love this name!
I want to gave a kanj. By respect, not the same thing here!
But maybe I don't have the same vision of respect than Japaneses do.
I don't even know how to explain how stupid your ideas are, but i think that everyone who reads what you say can understand.

First. want to change your name, go ahead, change your name to a Japanese name go ahead. but then feel like you NEED to write the name in that language as respect, is just stupid.

You say your not a teenager, but you sure do act and talk like one.

You say you want to respect japanese culture, wtf makes you think its respectful to just change your name to respect a culture, not normal behavior.

And you seem to know nothing about Japanese culture, so why the hell would you even say something like, if i write my name, id like to write it in that language. Thats soo stupid I can't even explain...I just can't.
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