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JF Ossan
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03-19-2010, 05:21 AM

Originally Posted by jamurai77 View Post
by actually meeting the people who will hire you, you can be a bit more sure that they are trustworthy and that you might enjoy(or at leat not detest) working for/with them. You can visit the proposed workplace, get a feel for the comany/school that you can't get from e-mails. You don't think this is valuable?
As far as the interview goes, I currently live on the island of Trinidad. Most of the companies I've seen basically seem to recruit from US, Canada, or UK. If I have to travel to one of these to interview it's an extra expense and hassle.
the cost is worth it if I am convinced that the extra security is worth it but I have heard alot of contradictory opinions on how tough it is to secure a job in Japan. Many make it sound easy(like my friend and aforementioned articles read) and then others like yourself make it sound as if it's quite difficult. Yes I am college educated and a native English speaker. Also I was planning on e-mailing applications/resumes for a couple of weeks before arriving to set up interviews in advance.
If you interview with a reputable company, there is no need to worry about being scammed. I worked for JET, and they set up housing, pay for the plane ticket, etc.

But you are right, being from Trinidad is not helpful for landing an English speaking job. Are you from Trinidad or just live there?

If you visit Japan for 90 days as a tourist, technically you cannot be hired for work. That doesn't mean it doesn't happen, but it just makes things tricky.

I am not going to say it is easy or it is hard to find a job this way...if you find one in a week then it wasn't hard, right? But what I am saying is that it is risky, and it not the way the majority of teachers go out there and do it.
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