Originally Posted by Jonas06
Thank you for your reply, Sashimister,
As much as I appreciate it, I just want to make sure that you did not translate it into Japanese yourself but actual got the words (characters) from a legitimate source as I plan to use the poem in a rather formal letter. Thus you may understand my pickiness. Where did you get it from? If online please post the url, and if from a book, the title would be tremendous.
One thing that thus far stood out to me is how "mind" got translated from 心 which according to WWWJDIC (Monash) dictionary means "heart; mind; spirit; heart radical." Could you please elaborate on the meaning of this word since the definition given for it seems to imply manifold connotations not belonging to the word "mind" is used in its strict sense. I.e. it seems to go beyond mere mind (if one were to distinguish between mind and body) as something more inclusive. (Again this may seem obvious since the poem deals with no-mind or sunyata, however I would love to hear your input).
Thanks again!
You could have just googled the Japanese yourself to make sure:
聞くままに また心なき身にしあれば おのれなりけり 軒の玉水 - Google Search (People
vastly underestimate the power of Google to help you study a language).
And 心 can mean "mind" as well. Contrast "mind" with "brain."
Just like how when someone says "follow your heart" in English, your heart is not literally what you're obeying, but the more emotive side of your brain.