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JF Ossan
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03-21-2010, 07:03 AM

Originally Posted by clintjm View Post
Well, as we all watch Rome burn, lets take a momement to enjoy the simple things in life:
The face that MMM posted from Fox News.
The "face" I think you are talking about is "fact" and if you really want to get excited about the fact that I posted statistics from FOX...

then please look at why all the way through.

I am not trying to overemphasize this issue, but this is typical stylings of those that want to manipulate statistics and polls to work in favor of their argument.

Let's look at facts.

Sangetsu said this:
According to the same poll which shows President Obama's disapproval rating exceeding his approval rating also says that 68% of Americans do not plan to vote for any incumbent.

Let's look at the actual FOX/AP poll:

If American voters only had the following two choices on the Congressional ballot -- keep all current lawmakers in office, or get rid of all incumbents in Congress -- what would they do?

A new Fox News poll asked that question, and the answer could be bad news for incumbents this fall.

Sixty-eight percent of voters would oust all incumbents, while 20 percent would keep all lawmakers in office.

CLEARLY different statistics that are easily manipulated by those that want to.

A and B are not the same.

If this is the modus operandi, then I call BS. This kind of public manipulation is not acceptable and not something that I will step aside and bow down to.
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