Originally Posted by MMM
$100,000,000 sounds like a lot of money (and it is) but it is an increase of how much for Caterpillar? 1000%, 500%? No, more like 20%. They are already paying $500,000,000 in health care as it is.
After being rejected for several medical procedures in the last year, guess how much my insurance company increased my monthly rate? Yup, just about 20%.
If we were dumping a system that worked for one that didn't, I would be totally against it. But we have a broken system now. 45,000 Americas die every year because they do not have insurance, or their insurance doesn't cover their problems. 2/3 of personal bankruptcies in America are because of health care bills.
How many people in Japan went bankrupt last year because they couldn't pay for their health coverage?
How about in Canada, Germany, France or England?
Now this health care bill will not solve that problem because the fear-mongers have gotten people to believe they would rather have profit-seeking corporations decide if they get health care rather than the government.
But ask those who are on government health care (V.A. MediCare, etc.) if they would rather have a corporation take care of them rather than the government. "Don't you dare touch my VA benefits!" "Don't you dare touch my MediCare!"
So you can call "nonsense" if you want, and you aren't the only one that is rejecting an independent organization's claims about the financial impact of the health insurance reform bill, but you also took the FOX/AP poll above and misinterpreted that, either accidentally or on purpose. The conservative action lately has been "If it doesn't support your view, reject it." This is par for the course.
It is also to be the "party of no" and then call Obama a do-nothing president. There is a reason Obama's approval rating is at 53%, but Congress is at less than half that (22%).
So, Caterpillar's cost increases "only" 20%. Exactly what was Caterpillar's profit margin last year? If it was anything like GM, Chyrsler, or other large companies, they can scarcely afford a 20% increase in insurance costs.
I didn't get my information from the FOX/AP poll, I got it from Gallup.
Who says Obama' approval rating is 53%? Gallup says 48%, Pew says 46%, Rasmussen says 43%, NBC says 48%. With all polls taken into account, Obama's approval rating is 47.2%, and his disapproval rating is 47.8%
And, which party holds the majority in both houses of Congress? Who is really doing nothing? Until a few months ago Obama's party and a decisive advantage in the senate and house, and still no legislation was passed.
Before saying about how 45.000 people in America die each year without insurance, consider that anyone and everyone in America can demand treatment regardless of their ability to pay or insurance status, at any hospital, at any time. Illegal aliens with drug resistant tuberculosis are being treated free of charge (at about $1,000,000 per year, how many illegal aliens get free treatment at UK, Canada, or Japan hospitals?).
Many people in Japan die each year because "free" medical care demands that services are limited. Emergency rooms in most places are not open 24 hours, and even those which are open will not see patients if their day's patient quota is full. And, we mustn't forget the cost, Japan's national debt vs GDP is twice that of America's, which is bad enough. With the current population aging, and fewer childred being born, Japan is headed for hard times. A time will come in the when Japan can no longer afford to pay for it's social programs, what then?
As for the UK, medical services are also rationed. Treatments which can be completed within days in America may require months of waiting in the UK. Those in the UK who have money often travel to the US or other countries to receive treatment rather than wait.