Sangetsu, I made a few simple requests to you. As this health insurance reform plan passes this evening and John Boehner eats his words and Rush Limbaugh packs his bags for Costa Rica I will ask you to address the comments I made to you before I put more effort into addressing the points you are making.
I think that is fair.
Originally Posted by Tsuwabuki
85% of Americans happy with their health insurance? I have met exactly one American in the last four years who is happy with their current care.
That number has been bandied around, but I've never seen any direct evidence of its truth. All direct evidence I have suggests the opposite: the vast majority of Americans are decidedly unhappy about the cost of healthcare in America.
I know I am.
No one I know likes their health insurance plans, but to be fair many of the people I know are self-employed or are business owners.
I won't argue with the 85% number, but when you ask people who are "in the system" vs. those that are not, you get very different numbers. People that have their insurance covered by their employer and don't actually use it (i.e. have no medical issues) are invariably satisfied with their health insurance coverage. However when you ask people that do have health issues and do use their health insurance coverage to pay (partially) for health coverage are not 85% satisfied. Far from it.