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clintjm (Offline)
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03-22-2010, 04:38 AM

Originally Posted by Tsuwabuki View Post
85% of Americans happy with their health insurance? I have met exactly one American in the last four years who is happy with their current care.

That number has been bandied around, but I've never seen any direct evidence of its truth. All direct evidence I have suggests the opposite: the vast majority of Americans are decidedly unhappy about the cost of healthcare in America.

I know I am.
No one is happy with the rising cost of healthcare in the US. The poll was about how many are satisfied with their health insurance. Try to keep up. Cost of health care, cost of health insurance, quality of care, quality of insurance... there is a difference and the quality is going down while the costs are going to continue to go up. The bill doesn't address this.

No direct evidence?

Its 95% of the 85% who have insurance who are happy with it. The 85% is figure is a scientific poll thats been around for a year... just google it.

Here is a fancy CNN poll for you done in a nice offical document:

Soooo in your personal polls of Americans you met over 4 years, does the 4 years begin before or after you been in Japan?

I doubt anyone gives a damn about your poll of Americans you have met in Rural Kyoto in the past 2-3 years about those who are not involved in the system anymore, nor are probably old enough to really use health care. More less the poll of encounters of whatever you did before that.
Ask some Canadians or some from the UK while you are at it.
Sorry.. I'm going with the scientific polls (plural) versus your opinion of your drinking buddies.

Once the system starts to crumble, and Doctors retire early or simply leave the country to make a living, lets see how it affects the rest of the world who line up for American technolgy in health care.

shite... it passed...

92% of Americans now are covered and the soul of American has been sold. So... 10-15% were without insurance before becuase they didn't want it or they gambled without it, now we can cover 2%-7% more? Just wait until all the pork starts to fly..and the impact of this bill sinks in.

haha executive order as a promise to Pro-life... did he write that on a napkin?

Smoke 'em if you got them folks...
I'm done.
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