Originally Posted by SSJup81
Anyway, after getting to Japan, I know I'll need Internet at least, and probably a phone. What are some good, reasonable deals for obtaining a decent Internet connection?
NTT offers a number of plans that tend to be the
easiest, in my opinion, because there is no other company involved. They can hook things up at the same time as you have your phone hooked up. And, obviously, they are everywhere. I can`t say that they`re the cheapest or the best though. However, there are differences in coverage for companies, plans, etc based on where you live so I can`t give a good suggestion there.
We personally use So-net through Commufa - no NTT at all even for the phone.
Yahoo tends to be popular as they do pushy sales events EVERYWHERE, but I have never heard a single good things about their prices, reliability, or service. Only the opposite (very slow - ie. <2Mbps even though it`s a 50Mbps plan, frequent problems, outsourced service that has no clue, mysterious additional fees and charges, etc).
With what we use, we get 88Mbps steady on a 100Mbps plan.
I'm bringing over my laptop, and I don't have a cell phone or anything, so it'll be easier to keep in touch with those here at home through something like Skype, which is terribly cheap to use if making calls to land-lines. Which would you all consider to be the best reasonably priced, one?
If the area where you will be living supports FTTH, it might be good to look into Hikari Denwa - the fiber optic phone services offered. I have found the price to be similar to that of Skype and have it as my main phone line. I think right now it`s $0.022/min to the US, straight from my home phone.
I`ve never bothered with Skype as the prices are no different and no one I call uses Skype to take advantage of their Skype to Skype rates.