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Nyororin (Offline)
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03-23-2010, 05:04 AM

I read a LOT. In both Japanese and in English.
I cannot imagine trying to muck through kana only text... Nor can I imagine trying to muck through English devoid of spaces, capitalization, and punctuation.

justtrytorelaxandreadthroughasentencelikethiswithoutanyhintstowhereanything beginsandsendswithproperpunctuationthereisntmuchofaproblemevenwhenthelevela ndcomplexityofthesubjectmatterincreasesyesiamsurethateveryonewillbeabletore adthisjustasiamsurethatanyonecouldreadajapanesesentencewrittenonlyinkanabut itcertainlyisnteasyanditcertainlyisntsmoothgoingevenastheonewhotypedthisupr eadingoverittocheckfrotyposispainfulworkandthisisenglishjapaneselackingkanj iwouldbeevenmoreofapainasitreliesonthecharactersmuchmoretoconverymeaningeng lishiscompleteaslongasthespellingiscorrect

Yeah, lots of fun to read...

The presence of Kanji doesn`t slow down or hinder a reader - it does the opposite. Anything above picture book level is a pain to read without it. Sure, for a Japanese learner who only knows one meaning for one sound pattern it may be easy - especially with words split by spaces - but when there are many possible meanings and when you can`t be sure even where one word ends and another begins... I would HATE to read anything in all kana - let alone something with real substance.

こうかかれてるほうがよみやすいとおもってるなんて・ ・・わたしにはりかいできない。かいわじゃたしかにか んじがつかわれることはないけど、そのかわりにいろん なヒント(カタカナはまだつかってもいいよね?)があ ったり、ふめいなてんがあればすぐにきくことができる 。よんでるときはかんぜんにいっぽうてきでめのまえに かかれてるものからすべてのじょうほうをとりだすしか ない。そとからみて「めんどうくさいから」ってりゆう でどこかのげんごをかえたいなんてばかげてるとおもう 。

No fun reading that either. It was a total pain to type out, and just like with the no punctuation English it felt so strange and frustrating that I`m sure I made a number of mistakes that it is too much of a pain to read through to find.


This makes me think of the quizzes they occasionally have on TV asking people to guess what a sentence really means... The most recent one I saw was "You get a message on your phone from a friend - what is she talking about?!"

If anyone is trying to find me… Tamyuun on Instagram is probably the easiest.

Last edited by Nyororin : 03-23-2010 at 05:08 AM.
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