Originally Posted by fluffy0000
Health Care Insurance companys do operate across state lines. Use the internet to glance at Californias biggest Health Care Insurance providers and you can locate easily dozens of different locations in every state of the United States. Example Kaiser Permanente lists it's operations as follows-
California - Northern
California - Southern
Colorado - Denver/Boulder
Colorado - Southern Colorado
Maryland/Virginia/Washington D.C.
Another Health Insurance company BCBS' Blue Cross Blue Shield operate with locations all across the 50 states and provide overseas services again all located on their website.
Aetna another Health Care Insurance company operates across US and lists membership of over 17 1/2 million policy holders. Locations various states Calif. , Arizona, Maryland,Florida.
Not all health insurance companies can.
That is why smaller health insurance companies go under because they are regulated to work in certain states. Once there is no competition in certain states, then you get the decadence of certain insurance companies having a monopoly in certain states. I.e. a person in the small state of New Jersey couldn't buy insurance a couple of miles away from a company in Pennsylvania (that doesn't operate in New Jersey) if they didn't like the choices (or price) in New Jersey.
That is the problem.