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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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03-23-2010, 08:44 PM

Originally Posted by jesselt View Post
I don't see how abolishing English would attract foreigners anyways. Either you are going to move to the USA for business opportunities and not bother to learn English (which many immigrants do) or you are going to move to the USA because you enjoy the country and want to live there, in which case you will probably try and learn English. I doubt anyone thinks they are going to learn English and then quits because English is too difficult and then decides not to move to the US.
You're creating a false dichotomy. I hope by switching out countries and languages you can understand that there is a third type of person you've not accounted for: laborers from poor nations. I've repeatedly said in this thread that my understanding from school is that Japan has a problem with a lack of laborers and population in general to support their economy. So it's not that Japan needs more CEOs. It's that Japan needs more laborers.

Second, no one is suggesting that people will not immigrate because they didn't learn Japanese. I'm suggesting people will not integrate if Japanese literacy is too unattainable.

And I think the difference between Muslims in France versus in the US is a good illustration of how vitally important integration is to social stability.

Again, I'm not telling Japan how to run its economy and immigration affairs. I'm playing Devil's Advocate with the little bit of demography I know.
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