Originally Posted by MMM
Yes, but these countries have secondary health insurance. I am talking about primary health insurance. Secondary health insurance is purchased by people with the means to pay for, for example, a private room instead of sharing a room with another patient.
Nope, if you read the article, they are giant private insurance companies and they *can be* the primary source of health insurance if the individual chooses. You seem to be under the influence that private health insurance can't work as a better solution than a public option. Take Brazil for example.
And private or public, you are going to share a room in many countries. We are all about "sharing" right comrade?
Originally Posted by MMM
No, I didn't say that. Certainly there is a place for private health insurance, as we see in in places where these is a desire for secondary insurance to bump up comforts or help cover costs.
You didn't?
Originally Posted by MMM
We have a gigantic private heath care industry.
This industry does not exist in any other industrial country in the world.
Not in Japan, England, France, Canada, Germany...the list goes on.
Only in the US.
Legislation destroying this unneeded industry is obviously unpopular for those that work in it...so what do they do? They make their industry as indestructible as possible by appealing to US elected officials.
No... no, you did say "this unneeded industry".
And the fact is, private health insurance can be a primary source of insurance in many countries. The difference is in the US, there isn't a government public option available for 100% of the population.
Private health insurance is working quite well in many countries and around 85% of the American population.
Originally Posted by MMM
But you can certainly see the benefits of a universal plan that covered everyone.
Like Canada?
Originally Posted by MMM
The private insurance system has grown to such massive sizes, I don't think it is possible or probable. But the CEOs of these corporations are going home with millions of dollars in bonuses, something that wouldn't happen if it was run by the government and not as a "for profit" entity.
Here it is folks. Profit is evil. The government doesn't make a profit, so surely quality of service and speed and accuracy would remain, not to mention the knowledge and expertise to run and handle health insurance.
Why does the post office run at a deficit?
Why does the service at the DMV suck?
Why is the federal IRS tax code so difficult to understand that even government officials don't understand it?
Just look at the existing government health programs today. They run like a well oiled machine, with no waist, no lack in service, ease of use. Ask Barney Frank how well utopia of state health care is working.
The U.S. Post Service was established in 1775. You have had 234 years to get it right and it is broke.
Social Security was established in 1935. They have had 74 years to get it right and it is broke.
Fannie Mae was established in 1938. They have had 71 years to get it right and it is broke.
War on Poverty started in 1964. They have had 45 years to get it right.
Medicare and Medicaid were established in 1965. They have had 44 years to get it right and they are broke.
Freddie Mac was established in 1970. They have had 39 years to get it right and it is broke.
The Department of Energy was created in 1977 to lessen our dependence on foreign oil.
It has ballooned to 16,000 employees with a budget of $24 billion a year,
and we import more oil than ever before. They had 32 years to get it right and it is an abysmal failure.
Its because government just does what it does. There is no reason to do anymore. No reason for innovation. If they want something fixed or improved upon, money is no object because it is not their money. They either print it, or get it from the public through taxes. Plus there are no if and or buts about it, if they need the money and they will get it until the country is broke.... oooppps that is where we are now..
I don't want my health insurance provider to operate the department of motor vehicles, nor do I want to draw lotteries to see if I can get a CT scan.
The fact is, if the CEOs make a profit from the success they have built, why is can't they be millionares? That is what America is all about.
If these companies are denying policy on a whim , thus breaking the contract policy, they should be punished.
Originally Posted by MMM
The bill specifically helps small business by offering tax credits to cover the cost of insuring employees. For me personally, that is what I am investigating now, but if my insurance company decides to jack up my rate double digits again, I have other options.
I don't see how this helps you if you are self employed and tax credits to small businesses who provide health insurance to their employees, not the indivdual business owner. If that was the case, everyone in the country outside the cover of a company would get a business license to get the credit.
My point is, this bill doesn't address the true problems of the health costs.
Originally Posted by MMM
And I agree the Supreme Court decision to give corporations human rights and to call money "free speech" is ridiculous.
What I wrote to this didn't agree one bit with your notion that it was ridiculous.